+91 487 242 7183

our mission

Bringing the love & life of Jesus to the world.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.  John 3:16

Marth Mariam Church is a volunteer-driven organization that finds and fills the needs of individuals and families in our community. We do this by connecting isolated people to God and a community of support through regular service projects & neighborhood events, promoting freedom from life-controlling issues, offering practical life skills training, and fostering deep spiritual growth. We work to meet people where they are at, to bring them hope and a way off the streets, out of poverty, and into self-sufficiency. marth Mariam Church exists to help people find God, grow their faith, discover their purpose and make a difference.

Jesus tells His disciples they will receive power from the Holy Spirit, and they will be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. We believe the same is true today. We are called to reach our city, our state, and our world.

Through NewSpring Missions, you have the opportunity to share the good news with people . And because we partner with churches and organizations, the work we do on the ground continues after we come home. Working together, we get to see the Great Commission happening before our eyes. Hundreds of people have asked Jesus into their life during our trips abroad. But saying yes to missions won’t just change others — it’ll change you, too. We have created our mission together. Marth Mariam Church calling and challenging every one  to live our vision so that we transform three areas of life: the family, the neighborhood, and the larger society.

The Bible tells us that we can love, because He first loved us. We can tangibly show our love by serving those in need. People come to Church for 2 different reasons: either a spiritual or physical. If the needs are not met here, people go elsewhere and look for the answers; which may not always involve Christ. The Care Ministry is a group of volunteers to help meet the needs of the Good News family. Needs are met on a limited time basis in areas that would affect one’s health and safety.